Please solve the second question for me... Don't attempt if you don't know how to do it... It's Urgent....
The main difference between edge and level triggering is that in edge triggering, the output of the sequential circuit changes during the high voltage period or low voltage period while, in level triggering, the output of the sequential circuit changes during transits from the high voltage to low voltage or low voltage
The procedure would be as follows:
1. Get the state diagram.
2. Use the excitation table of JK ff to get the values of J-K for each state (A,B,C) respectively.
3. Use a k-map to simplify J-K in terms of Qa, Qb and Qc.
Montane ecosystems are found on the slopes of mountains. The alpine climate in these regions strongly affects the ecosystem because temperatures fall as elevation increases, causing the ecosystem to stratify. Dense montane forests are common at moderate elevations, due to moderate temperatures and high rainfall.