Computer Science, asked by akshayankur58, 6 months ago

Please solve these all questions​



Answered by ltzSweetAngel

Question 1:

Write down the name of default view in a PowerPoint presentation.


By default, a presentation screen is always shown in Normal view.

Question 2:

Differentiate between a presentation and a slide.


A presentation is a set of slides that you present to people in a group while each page of a PowerPoint presentation is called a slide.

Question 3:

Name two ways where you can create a presentation.


You can create a presentation under Normal view and Outline view.

Question 4:

Write use of layouts in PowerPoint.


Layouts are used to define the layout of the slide, i.e. the placement of title, subtitle, components of slide etc.

Question 5:

In PowerPoint 2007 under the Insert tab, there is a button named Text Box. What is the utility of this button?


Like a title placeholder, a Text Box is used to hold the text information.

Question 6:

Is it possible to change the background of a slide at some later point of time?


Yes, we can change the background of a slide at any point of time.

Question 7:

Can graphics be inserted into the slide?


Yes, we can insert pictures, graphs, charts, SmartArt etc., into a slide.

Question 8:

Animation is a feature, which you can use in your presentation. What is the purpose of this feature?


Animations are the visual effects applied to individual items on a slide such as graphics, titles or bullet points, rather than to the slide itself.

Question 9:

Kirti wants to add sound to slide transition. Which feature of Animations tab is useful for this purpose?


On the Animations tab in the Transition to This Slide group, click the arrow next to ‘Transition Sound’ to add sound to slide transition.

Question 10:

Explain an advantage of grouping objects in PowerPoint.


The grouped objects can move, transform, resize and also can change the properties of all the objects in a group together.

Question 11:

What is the use of Enter and Esc key in a Slide Show?


Press Enter to move to the next slide and Esc to close the Slide Show.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:

Name any four basic elements of a slide.


The four basic elements of a slide are as follows:



Drawing objects


Question 2:

How many views of a slide PowerPoint provided?


There are six views of a PowerPoint presentation:

Question 3:

State three functions of the Slides Pane.


Three functions of the Slides Pane are as follows: .

New slides may be added to the presentation.

Allows marking a slide as hidden for not showing it during a slide show.

Deleting a slide from the presentation in case it is no longer needed.

Question 4:

Write three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view of a presentation.


The three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view are as follows:

We can see the entire presentation.

We can move slide from one place to another using click-drag method. Also, we can rearrange the order of slides.

We can insert, rename and delete slides.

Question 5:

How are Header and Footer useful?


Header and Footer are very useful for displaying the similar useful information on each slide. One can change the Header and Footer details at any time in the presentation.

Question 6:

Write the steps of inserting picture in a slide.


Pictures and ClipArt can be inserted into a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation from sources such as ClipArt Website providers, Web pages or files on a computer. These pictures can be used as backgrounds for slides in a presentation. Here, we will discuss inserting pictures from files only, as per syllabus restrictions.

Do the following for inserting pictures from file in your presentation:

Click where you want to insert the picture.

Question 7:

A sales manager creates a presentation he add the same slide transition to all the slide. Write steps, which are followed by sales manager for slide transition?


Creating a slides show:

Using PowerPoint, a wide range of special effects, such as transition and animation can be added in a presentation to provide visual interest to the presentation and grab the audience’s attention. h

Points can be revealed on slides in a staggered way (i.e. one bullet displayed at a time) to keep the audience focused only on the point which is being discussed at the given time. Also, the presentation can be automated, so it runs on its own.

The slide show can be enhanced by applying the following effects:

Adding Transitions to a Slide

Add Sound to Slide Transitions

Animating Text and Objects

Rehearse Timing

Question 8:

What can you do if you want each slide should be shown for a specific amount of time?


Setting advance slide to one mouse click is the default and a simple setting. If you want each slide to be shown for a specific amount of time, click automatically after and enter the number of seconds. Click Apply to All slides.

Answered by sinhaniveditasinha


RRR there and I have been on my own place and I'm still not ask me how are going on here for you and your friends with my family and I have power is it possible I don't think it was just about

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