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A. Fill in blanks:
1. is the study of living organisms.
2. is the basic structural and functional unit of life.
3. is commonly called the physical basis of life.
4. When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis, there is shrinkage of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall.
This phenomenon is known as .
5. protects the cells against pathogens.
6. Organisms having nuclear membrane are called .
7. The fluid part of the cell between the cell membrane and the nucleusis the .
8. The nucleoplasm possesses a mass of genetic material known as .
9. The initiates cell division in animal cells.
10. In plants, golgi bodies are called .
B. State True OR False
1. Sub units of golgi apparatus is called dictyosomes.
2. Cell wall is made up of lipids and proteins.
3. The passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a permeable membrane to a region of lower
water concentration.
4. Osmosis sometimes occurs in liquid medium.
5. Cell wall is living and permeable.
6. Nucleus is seperated from the rest of the cell through a nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope which has pores for
communication with the rest of the cytoplasm.
7. The RNA that is synthesized by DNA is used for production of proteins by ribosomes.
8. Membrane bound cell organelles are absent in eukaryotic cell
9. Mitochondria are the sites of cellularrespiration.
10. Nucleus is separated from the rest of the cell through a nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope which has pores for
communication with the rest of the cytoplasm.
1. List any two single celled (unicellular) organisms.
2. Name : (i) the cells which have changing shape,
(ii) the cells which have a typical Shape
3. Name the process by which Amoeba acquires its food.
4. Name the process by which unicellular freshwater organisms and most plant cells tend to gain water.
5. Mention the difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes in terms of nuclear region present in them.
Answered by
A(Q2) Cell is the structural and functional unit of life.
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