please solve this defines

a. cell membrane is a membrane which is found both in animal cell and plant cell. it is partially permeable and helps in transporting ions and impaterial inside the cell
b.cell organelle are the small organs present inside the cell which have diff functions
c.the fluid inside the nucleus
d.spherical small body inside nucleus
when the defination are written along the organelle why don't you learn tha
cell membrane :it is the semi permiable membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm of the cell.
cell organelle: they are specialized sub units within a cell which performs a specific function.
nucleoplasm: it is a substance present throughout the cell body outside the nucleus
chromosomes: chromosomes are made up of chromatin fibres which are composed of hereditary units called genes
vacoules: they are the clear spaces with water or other substances in solution
mitochondria: they are minute double walled bags with their inner walls produced into finger like processes projecting inwards.(they are known as cells energy producers)
chromoplast : they impart colous to flowers and fruits.
answers are already given beside
hope it helped you!!