Please solve this !
@.Search the meaning of the following words in english:
1. Breeze - ___________
2. Migrate-___________
3. Humility-___________
4. Zone-___________
Please do it correctly ,I relly need it ,Please,Please,Please!
1.light wind travel from one part to another
3. the quality of not thinking that you are not better than other people area that is different from other ground
5.the height of something above sea level
6.a part of the country or world
7.water in small drops on a surface
1. a gentle wind.
2. (of an animal, typically a bird or fish) move from one region or habitat to another according to the seasons.
move from one part of something to another.
3. the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.
4. an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions.
5. the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.
6. world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
7. water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapour, within a solid, or condensed on a surface.