please solve this question fast of class 10th board exam
i) 2 visible traits are tallness and dwarfnees(you can list any other traits of your choice)
Mendel considered the traits as recessive and dominant by his monohybrid cross. In which he crossed pea plants with contrasting characters and in first generation all the plants are obtained with similar trait while the other trait was hidden.The hidden trait was called recessive and the trait which expressed itself was valled dominant.Example is given in the first photograph.
ii) Look at the second photograph i which it is shown that female sex cell (gamete) have XX chromosomes while male gamete have XY cjromosomes during fertilisation if the sperm containing X chromosome fertilise the egg the child would develop into a girl and if the sperm containing Y chromosome fertilize the egg the baby would be a boy and its a matter of chance that the baby would be a girl or a boy because millions of sperms are ejucated with different chromosomes and it cant be predicted that the sperm containing which chromosome will fertilize the egg.