please tell me answer...... I want 18 and 19 answer

Answered by
When plastic is heated, says Scientific American, it leaches chemicals 55 times faster than normal. So, never ever heat food in a plastic container in the microwave, or pour hot food (especially liquid) into a plastic container. Even if it says “microwave safe” on it, it's still going to leach chemicals.
Answered by
19. 4R's that we should remember are;
1. reuse
2. reduse
3. recycle
4. recovery
18. no it is not advisable to store food in plastic container because plastic release small chemicals particles which can spoil the food
1. reuse
2. reduse
3. recycle
4. recovery
18. no it is not advisable to store food in plastic container because plastic release small chemicals particles which can spoil the food
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