Please tell me fastely

This all due to 'Unity in Diversity'.
Indian Constitution is an exemplary work of administration of all ages. It is the lengthier, most elaborate Constitution present till date in any country.
It efficiently divides powers between executive legislature and judiciary (p parallel division)
demarcated the power of centre and state being a federal nation with unitary features.
Indian Constitution although elaborate is not static at all. Indian Constitution is the grundnorm of our nation I. E this law is suprema lex and thus every law has to conform to it made by the legislature. It still persists the same authority and sanction of popular acceptance by people of India. In this way it is more or less followed after the so many years also.
But saying that it is rigid and not a meet friendly like Constitution of any other country, is absolutely a wrong inference. Indian Constitution has so far been amended 100 times (recent would be GST amendment).
A. Constitution of India has also been changed many times as per the need of society.
B. No generation can have monopoly on Constitution . Constitution enacted on 26 November 1949 is not same as on present date. The society has gone too far now.
C. Constitution is amended to accommodate new changes to meet the emerging needs in society. Therefore, whenever whenever the whenever the parliament whenever the parliament feels fit, it exercises it s constitutent power to amend the Constitution in art. 368 of Constitution itself. TTis article provides for certain procedure and type of majority required to amend the Constitution.
Therefore, like any other country indian Constitution is change friendly and can be amended modified as per the changing demands and needs of society.
Constitution is given by “ we the people of India……… giving ourselves this constitution”. Therefore it is the need of people which governs the nature of provisions of indian Constitution.
Eg. 1.Right ot education under section 21A inserted by 86th amendemnt.
2.Right or property abolished as a fundamental right by 44th amendment 1978 in order to execute land reforms and redistribute land from zamindars to poor farmers and tenants.
3. Fandamental duties of citizens of India added in 42nd amendments.
Therefore, Indian Constitution is followed now also because it is supreme law of land having popular acceptance but is changed frequently to meet needs of ever changing society.