please tell me paragraph writing on excess of everything is bad
I seriously don't know but you will find if u Google it
I'm sure
Excess of everything is bad. We should avoid it. It is good to love a child but if we love him too much, he is likely to be spoilt. He is apt to go wrong and form bad habits. Thus the middle course is always the best. We should love a child but if he persists in his wrong ways and habits, we must admonish him, too.
It is beneficial to take exercise daily. But if we have too much of it, we may fall ill. Exercise within proper limits does good but exercise in excess does more harm than good. Professional wrestlers have aching limbs in their old age.
A king should be kind and sympathetic towards his people. But if some rowdy element rises into rebellion against him over some imaginary wrong, he has no business to be kind. He must be ruthless and put down the rebellion and crush the rebels with an iron hand. If he is weak-minded, he is sure to suffer for his weak policy.
Milk is a wholesome diet. It is a perfect food. It should be a part and parcel of our daily diet. But if one takes it in excess, one is sure to suffer from dysentry and indigestion. He is sure to invite trouble and disease. Salt seasons food, but too much of it spoils the taste. Sugar is sweet but an overdose of it spoils the teeth and makes our dishes distasteful.
It is good to be rich but bad to be too rich. Riches in excess bring many evils, cares and worries. Henry Ford was the richest man of America but he cursed his riches. He got fabulous wealth but lost his health. He envied his poor labourers who could take cups after cups of milk but he himself could hardly take a cup of tea and a biscuit.
A shoe troubles if it is too loose or too tight but it gives comfort if it is of the right size. So is the case with all riches.
Reading is a good thing but too much poring over books spoils the eyes and health too. A scholar with poor health cannot play his part effectively in life. Sleep is a great restorative. After a sound sleep, one feels refreshed. But if a man sleeps too much, he spoils his health. He falls ill.