please tell me steps of writing a numerical in physics as shown in attachment

1st of all thanks 4 the points☺️
I consider myself appropriate to answer this question because I hv scored 97.1% in my 10th boards … :)
for solving such questions make diagram for each step
like for this question when you will be solving for The parallel of the series resistance you will get new resistance
like for example when you solve two parallel resistance you get one single resistance then in that next diagram just mention that single resistance by giving it a new name you can make it much more easier to solve the question ..
gud day
Hello dude
Whenever you come across such questions,
first separate all the resistors
Start adding up the resistors from any of the corners
I suggest you not to start from the middle of the circuit
add up the resistance in series directly and
if the resistors are in parallel then use the following formula
R eq = R1 R1/ R1 + R2