please tell me the answer and I will make you as brainliest

Answer: 1) option B
2)CNS-central nervous system
3)pituitary gland produces more than 7 hormones , one among it is GH{growth hormone}
4) There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves.
7)Sensory nerves
9) abscisic acid (ABA)
11) Johann Georg Wirsüng
Solution :
1) Functions performed by cerebellum :
Solution → B) Equilibrium, Balance of the body, Postures
2) Fill the flow chart
Solution →
Receptor → Sensory nerve → Spinal cord → Motor nerve → Effector organ.
ans is spinal cord
3) Pituitary Gland is called Master Gland of the body.
4) There are 31 pairs of cranial nerves in our body
♦ Error : 31 pairs
Correct sentence : There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in our body
as well as there are 31 pairs of Spinal nerves in our body.
6 and 7 ) According to galen there are Sensory types of nerves which carry messages from sensory organs to inward called Sensory neurons ( to brain and spinal cord)
8) Pancreas - leaf like structure ( attached with duodenum which is part of stomach)
9) Abscisic Acid ( ABA )
10) CSF - Cerbo Spinal Fluid.
11) Rudolf Virchow ( Johann Georg Wirsüng, discovered the pancreatic duct in the San Francisco)