Biology, asked by 5053585mrr, 3 months ago

please tell me the answer and I will make you as brainliest ​



Answered by Jonasryancharles

Answer: 1) option B

2)CNS-central nervous system

3)pituitary gland produces more than 7 hormones , one among it is GH{growth hormone}

4) There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves.



7)Sensory nerves


9) abscisic acid (ABA)


11) Johann Georg Wirsüng

Answered by nagrenikita769

Solution :

1) Functions performed by cerebellum :

Solution B) Equilibrium, Balance of the body, Postures

2) Fill the flow chart


Receptor Sensory nerve Spinal cord Motor nerve Effector organ.

ans is spinal cord

3) Pituitary Gland is called Master Gland of the body.

4) There are 31 pairs of cranial nerves in our body

Error : 31 pairs

Correct sentence : There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in our body

as well as there are 31 pairs of Spinal nerves in our body.


6 and 7 ) According to galen there are Sensory types of nerves which carry messages from sensory organs to inward called Sensory neurons ( to brain and spinal cord)

8) Pancreas - leaf like structure ( attached with duodenum which is part of stomach)

9) Abscisic Acid ( ABA )

10) CSF - Cerbo Spinal Fluid.

11) Rudolf Virchow ( Johann Georg Wirsüng, discovered the pancreatic duct in the San Francisco)

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