Please tell me the answers

noun; city
adjective : lovely
pronoun: we
7.) Tick the correct column :------
• According to the first Question for ' We '
★ We ----› We is a pronoun
• According to the second question for ' Lovely '
★ Lovely -----› Lovery is an adjective as the adjective shows about noun (Example ---› Cute baby ) (Whereas here 'Noun' is a Baby and 'Adjective' here refers to the cute. Here cute shows the adjective of baby.
• According to the third question for
' Run '
★ Run -----› Run is a verb as the verb shows that the work is being done ( Example as the boy is running ) and running / eating / sleeping / reading / etc. in whatever work done shows that is ' verb '.
• According to the Fourth question for ' City '
★ City -----› City is a noun and it's ( Common noun ) because it's not showing the name of the city only showing it's city so , this is common noun.