please tell me the meaning of all this.
1 haggle
2 shuffle
3 stride
4 ride
5 waddle
6 wriggle
7 paddle
8 swagger
9 trudge
10 slog
please tell me
1 . dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something.
2. walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground.
3.walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction. or a long, decisive step
4.a journey made on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle, or in a vehicle
5.move or cause to move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down.
6.twist and turn with quick writhing movements
7.a short pole with a broad blade at one or both ends, used without a rowlock to move a small boat or canoe through the water.
8.walk or behave in a very confident and arrogant or self-important way
9.walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions hard over a period of time.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. haggle - सौदेबाज़ी करना (bargain)
2. shuffle - mixing or combining
3. stride - progress or to skip
4. ride - सवारी
5. waddle - बत्तख की चाल चलना
6. wriggle - twist and turn
7. paddle - चप्पू (pull)
8. swagger - अकड़ (rigidity)
9. trudge - पैदल चलना
10, slog - आगे बढ़ना
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope it helps :)