please tell me thoroughly about specific heat capacity of water???????????
The high specific heat capacity of water has a great deal to do with regulating extremes in the environment. For instance, our fish in the pond is indeed happy because the heat capacity of the water in his pond above means the temperature of the water will stay relatively the same from day to night. He doesn't have to worry about either turning on his air conditioner or putting on his woolen flipper gloves.
This same concept can be expanded to a world-wide scale. The oceans and lakes help regulate the temperature ranges that billions of people experience in their towns and cities. Water surrounding or near cities take longer to heat up and longer to cool down than do land masses, so cities near the oceans will tend to have less change and less extreme temperatures than inland cities. This property of water is one reason why states on the coast and in the center of the United States can differ so much in temperature patterns. A Midwest state, such as Nebraska, will have colder winters and hotter summers than Oregon, which has a higher latitude but has the Pacific Ocean nearby.