English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

please tell me ways to overcome depression after a breakup. really need your help.​


Answered by violet17


It depends on you. the more u held on to ur past u will only end up suffering more. u have to move on. but it's difficult to let go of someone u love.

I myself am a person who had a breakup with my best friend. But what really hurt me the most was that she couldn't give me a reason for why she wanted to break up with me. But I waited and waited for her and I ended up hurting myself again.But that time there was someone who cared for me a lot. her love for me made me give up on my past.

Depression is like a never ending abyss. once you fall prey to it u will be consumed by negative thoughts. That's y I can only hope that u urself will have the strength to come out of it. As a perfect stranger I want u to know that I care for u.

Give urself time to think over ur relationship with that person. Take ur mind over other things. show him/her that u can be strong.

Answered by janemaxwell367

Answer How to save my broken marriage was my greatest weakness, I faced a broken marriage which I did not wish to give up. My husband was very hot tempered, he always pushes blames to me for causing our marital drawback, though we are married for 8 years with a daughter but we were still lonely and hopeless in marriage. He gave me a lot of excuses why we cannot cohabit unless i seek spiritual help to work our marriage. From the reviews i read i learned about him  and also Amigo Love . The help rendered by Amigo was everything we need to restart our reunion. I am happy to have seek the help of Amigo  just as advised by Husband. He is the MAN now, the man of my dreams.


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