Please tell me what is slow and fast change , periodic and non periodic change , natural and man made change ,
reversible and irreversible change , physical and chemical change
1.the changes which takes a long period of time to occur slow of tree , growing of human etc.
2. the changes which occur within a second is called fast burning of firecraker,etc
3.the changes which occurs in a same period of time is called periodic change eg.phases of the moon, occuring day and night etc
4. the changes which do not occur within a period of time is called non-periodic change eg. tsumani or other natural calamities etc.
5. the changes in which there is no influence of humans and it occurs from the nature itself is called natural changes eg. formation of cloud etc.
6. the changes which can be transferred back into its original form from its product form is called reversible changes and only changes its physical features . it is simillar to physical changes eg. stretching of a rubber band etc.
7.the changes which cannot be tranferred into its original form from its product form and completely changes its chemical features is called irreversible change it is similar to chemical changes . eg. cooking of food , gold to jwellery etc.