Science, asked by riya16893, 4 months ago

please tell the answer I will mark as brainliest.​



Answered by 20120521


Heterotrophic nutrition is a mode of nutrition in which organisms depend upon other organisms for food to survive. They can't make there food own like Green plants.


1) Saprophytic nutrition. The mode of nutrition in which organism obtain its food from decaying organic matter of dead plants,animals,rotten bread etc.

2) It is a type of heterotrophic nutrition. - The parasitic nutrition has a host and a parasite. The organism from which food is obtained is host and the other which obtains the food is parasite. - The parasites get nutrition from the host.

3) Insectivorous nutrition is the type of nutrition in which plants get nutrients from other insects eg-pitcher plant.

you can write about amarbel which is parasitic plant and mushroom which is saprophytic plant.


I hope it will help you :)

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