Science, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

please tell the definition of electrolyte or please tell this sentence which i write is correct or not only science student no spam please​



Answered by Dinosaurs1842

What is an electrolyte ?

A solution which has free ions (acid, base or salt solution) used in the electrolysis process is the electrolyte.

What are ions ?

Ions are particles with electric charge. Negative ions are called anions and positive ions are called cations.

Electrolysis :

Electrolysis is the process in which electricity is generated by passing current through any conducting solution.  Two rods called cathode and anode are placed in the solution. Cations move to the cathode and anions move to the anode.

The electrode is named after the ion which it is attracting. Therefore, the charge of the electrode will be opposite to the charge of the ion which is attracted (as we have learnt that unlike charges attract each other).

Anode =≥ Positive electrode

Cathode =≥ Negative electrode

Electroplating :

Electroplating is the process of depositing a desired metal on any object.

Let us take an example to understand :

Electroplating of copper on any object.

Copper sulphate solution is used as the electrolyte

The substance to be electroplated is made the cathode and the substance which is used for electroplating is made the anode.

Copper sulphate dissociates into copper ions and sulphate ions

As metals are electropositive in nature, the copper moves towards the cathode.

With coming in contact with the negative electrode the copper starts depositing on the electrode.

In the solution, the deficiency of copper is taken care by the other electrode.

The copper dissolves into the solution thus balancing the loss of copper.

The process keeps continuing and finally the object gets electroplated

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