English, asked by Vansh1234567890, 1 year ago

please tell the incidents from the book three men in a boat...
chapters 11-20. I don't need incidents of ch 1 -10


Answered by himanshu355



The Maniac Who Became a Missionary, Part 2


 Luke 8:30-39  42-110 Jul 21, 2002





Let's open our Bibles to Luke's gospel chapter 8 and this is the second in a two-part series on verses 26 through 39, called "The Maniac Who Became A Missionary...The Maniac Who Became A Missionary." If you weren't with us last week, you might do well to get the tape, it's pretty fascinating, compelling material that we covered in coming to grips with this maniac and having come to some understanding of him last week, we're going to come to the completion of the story and how the Lord Jesus Christ turned him into a missionary.

Just by way of general introduction for a few moments, the apostle John wrote, "The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil." That's in 1 John 3 verse 8. "The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil."

Jesus came into the world not only to save us from sin, but to save us from Satan. He came to eliminate our guilt and to eliminate our enemy. The Bible makes this very clear, starting in Genesis 3:15. Right after the Fall, God said, "There will come one, the seed of a woman who will crush the serpent's head." And while, for the time, Satan has freedom within the parameters of God's design to work his evil intentions in the world, along with all the demons who are equally free to assist him, the day will come when Satan will be crushed, when he will be, along with all the demons, bound for a thousand years during the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and then forever cast into the lake of fire which God has prepared for the devil and his angels. Jesus came then to destroy the works of the devil, the effect, the impact of Satan, the results of his efforts.

The true Messiah then must demonstrate power over Satan, power over demons. The true Messiah, as we learned, must come from the right family, have the right genealogy. The true Messiah must be God and man, therefore He must be born of men and born of God, virgin born. The true Messiah must be the fulfillment of prophecy. The true Messiah must have divine power over the physical world. He must have divine power over the spiritual world. The true Messiah must have the power and authority to forgive sin. The true Messiah must live a perfect and sinless life. And so, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give us four histories of the life of Jesus that prove Him to be the Son of God, the Messiah, the Savior of the world by virtue of meeting all these qualifications.

And as we look here at Luke chapter 8, we see another incident in the life of Jesus in which He demonstrates His power over Satan, His ability to crush the serpent's head, His ability to literally disarm the entire force of demons, His ability, if you will, with a simple word to command all the hosts of darkness to do exactly what He tells them to do...nothing less and nothing more. This tells us that He is God, for only God can control the kingdom of darkness. This tells us that He is the one who can deliver the world from Satan and his hosts, and indeed bind them during the time of His Kingdom. This tells us that He has the power to deliver sinners from the kingdom of darkness, the realm of Satan. This tells us that He has the power to cast Satan and all his hosts into the lake of fire forever and ever. In other words, we're seeing a demonstration of His power over the kingdom of darkness.

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