English, asked by yashrajbarabde1441, 9 months ago

Please write a essay on Nutrition in plants.


Answered by amit05s0101


Plants prepare their food by using raw materials like water, carbon dioxide and minerals. The process of utilization of food by a living organism to obtain energy is called nutrition. ... Such nutrition wherein the food is prepared by the organisms itself is called autotrophic nutrition.

thanks for free point

Answered by findseana


The word nutrition is derived from the term nutrient.Based on the mode of obtaining food, plants can be classified into two groups’ autotrophic plants or autotrophy and heterotrophic plants or heterotrophy. Green Plants are autotrophic (auto means self, trophy means food) or self nourishing. They are able to manufacture carbohydrates from raw inorganic materials and thus nourish themselves.

Non-green plants, on the other hand, are heterotrophic (heteros means different); that is they cannot prepare carbohydrates for their nourishment. Heterotrophy derives nutrients from different sources.

Heterotrophic nutrition can be defined as a type of nutrition in which energy is derived from the intake and digestion of the organic substances, normally of plant or animal source. The heterotrophic plants may be parasitic, saprophytic, symbiotic or insectivorous.

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