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The Basics of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
When you're ready to commit to the "Reduce Reuse Recycle" motto, these articles can help you make the switch to a more sustainable alternative, starting with some background and getting into the nitty-gritty.
What in the World is Planned Obsolescence?
Are you a visual learner or want to know a little more about how this system got created? Check out this article and it's video on a little something called "planned obsolescence". You'll be surprised. And maybe a little ticked off.
The Ridiculous Myths of "Biodegradable" Waste
Did you know that even after 50+ years in a landfill you can still read the newspaper and name the foods found within? Or that "biodegradable" plastics probably won't biodegrade at all?
What is PRE cycling?
Did you know recycling starts before you even make a purchase of the item being recycled? Read this article about where to really start when you're ready to apply the "Reduce Reuse Recycle" motto.
How to Recycle the Right Way
Yes, there is actually a right and wrong way to recycle. Knowing how to properly recycle is so simple, yet so often overlooked. Don't let your recyclables get sent to the trash!
Home Composting to Reduce Food Waste
We simply can't talk about reducing waste without looking at the easiest thing to keep out of the landfill, AND the thing that does the environment the most good.
How To Maintain a ZERO Waste Home
After pre cycling, recycling, and composting, there are still usually odds and ends that are hard to avoid. Learn what to do to keep even plastic ties and foil wrappers from the trash.
Reduce: Ideas on How To Use Less
Stainless Steel Water Bottles
It's important to know what to look for in your stainless steel water bottle, and what to avoid. Nope, they're not all created equal.
Truly Recycled Toilet Paper: Cloth Toilet Paper Facts
If you're really ready to be a hippie, cloth toilet paper is the answer. I know, I sounds pretty "out there" when you first hear about it. But I encourage you to read this article on it to learn the truth.
Fabric Gift Wrap: Your Unique Wrapping Alternative
One beautiful and sustainable alternative to traditional wrapping paper is fabric gift wrap. This unique gift wrap idea is reusable for many years and can be very affordable.
4 Steps to Stop Receiving Junk Mail
Put an end to the stacks of junk mail and you could save an average of 69 POUNDS of paper each year. That's the equivalent of saving a 10 year old from the trash in each household every year.
Truly Reusable Razors
Disposable razors are expensive and dull quickly. Plus they're not nearly as cool as safety razors and other supplies to "reduce reuse recycle" your shaving habits.
3 Alternatives to Plastic Food Storage Containers
Getting rid of plastics is a big step, and food storage tends to be one that people question. But there are many alternatives that are safer, healthier and cheaper than chemical-filled, short-lived plastic containers.
35+ Alternatives to Common Plastic Items
Don't think all plastic is avoidable? Learn what you can use to replace common things like a plastic toothbrush, shower curtain, hard hat, and more.
Reusable Shopping Bags
Using reusable bags is a popular recommendation for green living. Whether you buy them or make them, just remember to keep them in your trunk.
Reuse: Up cycling Ideas
Reuse means anything you can do to use an item multiple times, maybe in multiple ways. Upcycling means taking something old and crafting it into something completely new, and often unrelated to the first item.
7 Easy Steps to Make Yarn ( Plarn ) From Plastic Bags
Ever find yourself with plastic bags and not sure what to do with them? Recycling takes a lot of resources, but you can have fun up cycling them into a bag, mat, or purse instead!
Step-by-Step Rag Rug Instructions
Learn how to make a durable and beautiful rug with old linens, t-shirts, sweaters, or other scrap fabric with this written and photo tutorial.
20+ Unique Ways to Recycle Old Tires
Learn how to keep your old tires from the dump by upcycling or recycling them into numerous and unique indoor or outdoor projects for the home and garden.
More Upcycling Inspiration
What can you do with a broken dresser drawer? How can you upcycle your old-school computer moniter? Check out my Pinterest board for truly unique (and sometimes ridiculous) upcycling inspiration and ideas.
Recycle: How To Recycle Odds and Ends
Besides the basics above, this short section gives you ideas on how to recycle the rest of what you might otherwise throw away.
Recycling Ideas for Common Household Items
This guest post talks about how you can recycle (as well as upcycle) some common household items that you may no longer need or use.
Recycling Electronics
E-waste accounts for a tremendous amount of landfill these days. But computers, cell phones, and other electronics can be recycled easily for their materials.
When you're ready to commit to the "Reduce Reuse Recycle" motto, these articles can help you make the switch to a more sustainable alternative, starting with some background and getting into the nitty-gritty.
What in the World is Planned Obsolescence?
Are you a visual learner or want to know a little more about how this system got created? Check out this article and it's video on a little something called "planned obsolescence". You'll be surprised. And maybe a little ticked off.
The Ridiculous Myths of "Biodegradable" Waste
Did you know that even after 50+ years in a landfill you can still read the newspaper and name the foods found within? Or that "biodegradable" plastics probably won't biodegrade at all?
What is PRE cycling?
Did you know recycling starts before you even make a purchase of the item being recycled? Read this article about where to really start when you're ready to apply the "Reduce Reuse Recycle" motto.
How to Recycle the Right Way
Yes, there is actually a right and wrong way to recycle. Knowing how to properly recycle is so simple, yet so often overlooked. Don't let your recyclables get sent to the trash!
Home Composting to Reduce Food Waste
We simply can't talk about reducing waste without looking at the easiest thing to keep out of the landfill, AND the thing that does the environment the most good.
How To Maintain a ZERO Waste Home
After pre cycling, recycling, and composting, there are still usually odds and ends that are hard to avoid. Learn what to do to keep even plastic ties and foil wrappers from the trash.
Reduce: Ideas on How To Use Less
Stainless Steel Water Bottles
It's important to know what to look for in your stainless steel water bottle, and what to avoid. Nope, they're not all created equal.
Truly Recycled Toilet Paper: Cloth Toilet Paper Facts
If you're really ready to be a hippie, cloth toilet paper is the answer. I know, I sounds pretty "out there" when you first hear about it. But I encourage you to read this article on it to learn the truth.
Fabric Gift Wrap: Your Unique Wrapping Alternative
One beautiful and sustainable alternative to traditional wrapping paper is fabric gift wrap. This unique gift wrap idea is reusable for many years and can be very affordable.
4 Steps to Stop Receiving Junk Mail
Put an end to the stacks of junk mail and you could save an average of 69 POUNDS of paper each year. That's the equivalent of saving a 10 year old from the trash in each household every year.
Truly Reusable Razors
Disposable razors are expensive and dull quickly. Plus they're not nearly as cool as safety razors and other supplies to "reduce reuse recycle" your shaving habits.
3 Alternatives to Plastic Food Storage Containers
Getting rid of plastics is a big step, and food storage tends to be one that people question. But there are many alternatives that are safer, healthier and cheaper than chemical-filled, short-lived plastic containers.
35+ Alternatives to Common Plastic Items
Don't think all plastic is avoidable? Learn what you can use to replace common things like a plastic toothbrush, shower curtain, hard hat, and more.
Reusable Shopping Bags
Using reusable bags is a popular recommendation for green living. Whether you buy them or make them, just remember to keep them in your trunk.
Reuse: Up cycling Ideas
Reuse means anything you can do to use an item multiple times, maybe in multiple ways. Upcycling means taking something old and crafting it into something completely new, and often unrelated to the first item.
7 Easy Steps to Make Yarn ( Plarn ) From Plastic Bags
Ever find yourself with plastic bags and not sure what to do with them? Recycling takes a lot of resources, but you can have fun up cycling them into a bag, mat, or purse instead!
Step-by-Step Rag Rug Instructions
Learn how to make a durable and beautiful rug with old linens, t-shirts, sweaters, or other scrap fabric with this written and photo tutorial.
20+ Unique Ways to Recycle Old Tires
Learn how to keep your old tires from the dump by upcycling or recycling them into numerous and unique indoor or outdoor projects for the home and garden.
More Upcycling Inspiration
What can you do with a broken dresser drawer? How can you upcycle your old-school computer moniter? Check out my Pinterest board for truly unique (and sometimes ridiculous) upcycling inspiration and ideas.
Recycle: How To Recycle Odds and Ends
Besides the basics above, this short section gives you ideas on how to recycle the rest of what you might otherwise throw away.
Recycling Ideas for Common Household Items
This guest post talks about how you can recycle (as well as upcycle) some common household items that you may no longer need or use.
Recycling Electronics
E-waste accounts for a tremendous amount of landfill these days. But computers, cell phones, and other electronics can be recycled easily for their materials.
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