CBSE BOARD X, asked by vkmandanka44, 1 year ago

(Please write the answers in History Record Book)
Q1. What is the meaning of 'Begar"?
Q2. What is per capita income?
Q3. What kind of conservative regimes were set up in Europe in 1815?
04. Compare the goals of a boy from a rich urban family and a girl from a rich urban family.
Q5. How did the salt Satyagraha become effective tools of resistance against British
colonialism in India during 1930? Explain.
Q6. "The plantation workers in Assam had their own understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and
the notion of Swaraj.” Support the statement with arguments.
Q7. Mark and label the following on the political map of India.
(A) The place where the Indian National Congress declared Poorna Swaraj'as its main aim
(B) The place where the Chauri Chaura incident took place
(Geography and Democratic Politics) Marks: 20
(Please write your answers in the class work book of Geography and Democratic Politics)
1. Name one holding together federation.
2. Name one endemic species of India.
3. Explain the three factors that are crucial in deciding the outcome politics of social divisions. [3]
4. Explain the resource process of resource planning in India.
5. Describe the major step taken towards decentralization in India in 1992.
6. Write a short note on Project Tiger.
7. On the physical map of India, mark the following.
a) Black Soils
b) Alluvial Soils
Read the Chapter No. 4, Gender, Religion and Caste in Democratic Politics and write a short essay
"Discrimination faced by women in India.”


Answered by AmanSthapak


answer is his correct following me

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