please write the opposite

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➲ Write the antonyms of the following words.
1.) Above ( ऊपर )
- Below ( नीचे )
2.) Accept ( स्वीकार )
- Reject ( अस्वीकार )
3.) Alive ( जीवित )
- Dead ( मृत )
4.) Awake ( जागना )
- Sleep ( सोना )
5.) Bold ( हिम्मतवाला )
- Timid ( डरपोक )
6.) Beauty ( सुन्दरता)
- Ugly ( कुरूप )
7.) Begin ( शुरु करना )
- End (अंत )
8.) Clever ( चालाक)
- Foolish ( मुर्ख )
9.) Correct ( ठीक )
- Incorrect ( गलत )
10.) Coward ( कायर )
- Brave ( बहादुर )
★ Antonyms = A word which is opposite in meaning of another word is known as antonym.
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A Synonym is a word having a meaning similar to another word.
:- begin ,start
Eat :- consume,ingest
Costly :- Expensive
An Antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another word.
Example:- Finish, Start, begin
Enter :- Exit
Enrich :- impoverish
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