Please write this words in future tense in sanskrit
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The Ordinary Future Tense
Also known as: simple future, bhaviṣyat ("about to be"), lṛṭ
So far, we have only learned how to talk about events in the present tense. To talk about other time periods, we use a different verb form. In this lesson, we will learn a verb form that lets us talk about things that have not happened yet. Such verbs are said to be in the future tense.
Sanskrit has two different "future tense" verbs. The one we'll study in this lesson is by far the most common. For that reason, let's call it the ordinary future tense. You can see some examples of the ordinary future tense below.
गम् → गमिष्यामि
gam → gamiṣyāmi
go → I will go.
मन् → मंस्ये
man → maṃsye
think → I will think.
जि → जेष्यन्ति
ji → jeṣyanti
conquer → They will conquer.
Forming the ordinary future tense
The ordinary future tense is based on a special future stem. This stem uses the endings that we've studied already: P verbs use P endings, and A verbs use A endings:
भविष्य → भविष्यसि
bhaviṣya → bhaviṣyasi
will be → you will be
भाषिष्य → भाषिष्यते
bhāṣiṣya → bhāṣiṣyate
He will speak.
Since it's much harder to form the future stem than to attach endings to it, let's spend a little more time on forming the future stem.
Forming the future stem
To produce the future stem, we strengthen the ordinary verb root to the medium level and attach sya to the end of it. For some roots, the vowel i may come between the strengthened root and sya. This i will change sya to ṣya according to the following internal sandhi rule:
s, if it follows a vowel other than a or ā, becomes ṣ.
This all seems straightforward enough. However, we should ask: Why does Sanskrit have all of these i vowels in front of its suffixes? That is, Sanskrit has suffixes like tvā and sya, but why does it also have itvā and iṣya? The answer is complex and related to the history of the Sanskrit language; it cannot be answered easily.
But we can still observe some facts about how this i is used. To start, a root that uses i in the gerund will almost always use i in the future stem.
भाष् → भाषित्वा, भाषिष्य
bhāṣ → bhāṣitvā, bhāṣiṣya
speak → having spoken, will speak
मन् → मत्वा, मंस्य
man → matvā, maṃsya
think → having thought, will think
(As an aside, note the change that occurs in man:)
ns is, for some reason, usually written as ṃs.
Now, back to this mysterious i. gam makes an important exception, as it often does:
गम् → गत्वा
gam → gatvā
go → having gone
The gerund uses the weakest form of the verb root; gam becomes ga.
गम् → गमिष्य
gam → gamiṣya
go → will go
A root that ends in a vowel, meanwhile, usually uses a connecting i if the strengthened root ends in o or ar.
भू → भो → भविष्य
bhū → bho → bhaviṣya
will become
कृ → कर् → करिष्य
kṛ → kar → kariṣya
will do
जि → जे → जेष्य
ji → je → jeṣya
will conquer
Keep in mind that we have only described some tendencies of Sanskrit, not hard rules. Do not spend time trying to remember these tendencies. Rather, just observe them; they will come to mind as you see more examples.
iṭ: Panini's description of the behavior
The grammarian Panini did not explain why these i vowels appear, but he did describe their behavior. He did so by creating a technical term for the i vowel when it comes between a root and its suffix: iṭ. Some roots always use this iṭ suffix; so, they are called seṭ, from sa-iṭ. Likewise, the roots that don't use the suffix are called aniṭ, from an-iṭ. And, roots that optionally use the suffix are called veṭ, from vā-iṭ. (This word is formed irregularly.) Panini's description was so thorough that his terms are still used in linguistic circles today, even outside of the realm of Sanskrit.
Exceptions and Sandhi
Roots containing ṛ
A few roots that contain ṛ will strengthen to contain ra instead of ar. Two of these roots are dṛś and sṛj. dṛś is far more common:
दृश् → द्रश् → द्रश्स्य → द्रक्ष्य
dṛś → draś → draśsya → drakṣya