English, asked by urkking8552, 4 months ago

plot of the lesson the master artist


Answered by nibuprahladhan123


The master artist has been beautiful written by Carol Moore . In this chapter , he has written about an rich man who wanted a master artists to draw his portrait . The master artists Monsieur Signy I ' Abbaye was ready to draw his paintings , but he told Giuliano Bartoli to offer him three time food and comfortable bed to sleep . When Giuliano Bartoli asked Monsieur Signy I ' Abbaye , is my portrait ready then he told that it would be ready tomorrow . and Monsieur Signy I ' Abbaye finally took 6 month to complete his portrait . When Guliano Bartoli saw his portrait , he is stood for a minute . Then his mouth fell open , his eyes turned red and he grabbed what few hairs he had left on his head . He did a little hop , and then a twitch , and his eyebrows twisted as though he was under a spell . Giuliano Bartoli said the artists angrily that how absurd , how disgusting ! You will not receive any money , do you hear ? None . You are not an artist - maybe a Thief or a madman . Get out of my sight ! You will leave my house tonight or I will have you thrown out .

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