pls advice me how to make a beautiful file by hand on the topic disaster management note i have to use only blue or blackpen but it should be creative and i can only use colour pens for front page?
U can draw beautiful and attractive borders or you can make miniature drawings.
Hope it helps.
Good Luck
you can definitely use pictures to enchance your project
write heading in bold capital letters with black bold marker
double underline the text
write in points
when you are writing the main text with blue colour highlight the main point or words by writing with black pen ( bold capital letters)
make sure to make boarder with bold markers
for the cover page -
make a collage of various disaster management
and using ms word write DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN BOLD LETTERS in the centre and take a print out of it (a4 size ) and use it as the cover page
you can take reference from the picture added
or you can also search DISASTER MANAGEMENT COLLAGE on Google and take printout
make a index page and mention different subtopics there
try writing neatly