English, asked by hamentqqqq, 11 months ago





Answered by Anonymous


We will harm ourself No, it harms individuals We lose resources and energy vital to our individual survival when helping others. This is a common theme seen in the world of biology, where basically every species is self-sufficient for its own survival (except humans). These species have fulfilling lives and have not gone extinct due to their own actions. We, however, are right on track to extinctionize ourselves through our careless dispense of help to others. Don't help other people. Yourself needs you.Others take advantage of you Helping some one can lead to them thinking that they are entitled to whatever you have. "When one penny was given at gunpoint, two pennies were demanded at gunpoint" That person who asks for your help should stop being lazy and get it himself, one less thing you give means you don't lose anything. Why help someone when you can hel yourself. In the words of Rick in Casablanca "I don't stick my neck out for nobody"


Answered by Anonymous

One must help oneself before helping other

When one is on an aeroplane, the flight attendant instructs him, "put your oxygen mask on first." This fact does not mean that we have to be selfish and forget about others. It is obvious that when we ensure our well-being, we know that we are ready to help others too. In simple words, helping others is almost impossible to achieve if you are going through turbulence in your life or career.

One should be more pragmatic than courageous

Sometimes fear also can show us the right way. Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a practical way could be considered more sensible rather than showing fearlessness and courage. A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and doesn't let emotion distract him. Even Barack Obama's supporters describe him that way. Being pragmatic is the only way to do anything in an efficient manner.

Natural disasters are acts of God

Natural disasters cause great loss of life or property damage but no human is involved in it. It is is beyond human control. Neither one can fight against it nor one can prevent the loss it causes. We may consider natural disasters as wrath of nature. This might not sound practical but we cannot actually question God for the suffering he causes.

On basis of geographic conditions, discuss why your city would probably never experience a tsunami or might experience one.

The city I live in will probably never experience a tsunami. Tsunamis can occur in any major body of water, but based on the geographical location, it is nowhere near a sea or any water body. Thinking about a tsunami in my region is a foolish idea. Yes, there are many kinds of natural disasters I might experience, living in this city, but tsunamis are not one of them.

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