CBSE BOARD X, asked by brainliest20, 1 year ago

pls ans.....

Correct ans. will be marked as brainliest.......


hoodadeepanshi3: hii
hoodadeepanshi3: do you know from which chapter is this question
hoodadeepanshi3: i think its from patol babu a film star
NIyati2204: It’s from dear departed


Answered by NIyati2204

(A) Mrs Jordan makes this remark when her father Abel Merryweather talks about making amends in his will.

B) Abel declares that he was going to destroy his old will and make a new one in which he would leave his assets to one of his daughters with whom he would be staying.

C) The speaker was not particularly amused at the suggestion.

D) Play The dear departed.

Writer- Stanley Houghton

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