pls answer correct because when i posted this question first no one answered corrdctly those who had amswered they wrote sorry don't know and ok .
so this time pls answer correctly otherwise I will report your answer if you answer the question I will follow you and mark you brainleast and thank your answers write in marathi
click on the image you will get the question answer all
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शब्द हे शस्त्र प्रमाने असते तथा पुन विचार पूर्वक वापर केला पाहिजे. शब्दाला धार नको आधार असला पाहिजे ,कारण धार असली शब्द मन कापतात ,आधार असलेले शब्द मन जिंक तात . अपन बोलत अस्ताना शब्द जपुण वाह पर ले पाहिजे .
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