pls answer for this 3 questions

1) A fixed position in space, i.e. we precisely know its position.
2) Two particles can't occupy same place.
3) When two particles are directed against one another, they collide and a transfer of momentum takes place.(of course conservation of momentum holds if no external force acts).
Whereas the wave nature allows for the following:
1) No point in space where it is present.( because a wave spans throughout its entire wavelength)
2) Two waves can be present in the same place(superposition).
3) When two waves are directed against each other they just pass through each other.
Answered by
black body radiation
black body radiation
Particle nature refers to the nature of particle in general, for example, it is well known that particles have:
1) A fixed position in space, i.e. we precisely know its position.
2) Two particles can't occupy same place.
3) When two particles are directed against one another, they collide and a transfer of momentum takes place.(of course conservation of momentum holds if no external force acts).
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