pls answer malyalikutti
This was your question right!
Activity 3:
You need to cook something healthy,which you eat daily (for example it could be a curry) and it should include as much nutrients as in balanced diet.. with your parents help without using too much oil,ghee..etc whatever is said in the activity.
and then you need to write a report on how you did it
for example : imagine you made a curry
then write a report according to the given instructions -
I decided to cook Curry. First,I started by chopping Carrots..etc(include whatever veggies you used for the curry). My mother also helped me to chop it in right sizes. And I took a clean pot and my mother helped me to start the flame (write the procedure in short about how you made the curry). After it was done,I served it to my family and they were delighted. They loved the curry. After having food, I washed everyone's utensils and told my mother to take some rest.
Activity 4:
For this activity,you need to clean ,dry and press your clothes.lets see how it goes-
I started by collecting the clothes that need to be washed. They were all made of Cotton. My mother showed me how to work the washing machine and i did it the way she instructed.I switched the machine on, opened the door of it, and dumped all the dirty clothes into it. I added little detergent in the box where it has to be put, closed the doors of the machine and pressed the button to start it. After it was done, i took the clothes out, turned kf the machine and hung them one by one to dry in the air.(the instruction says you need to dry them, so it is better to dry the clothes manually rather than drying them in the machine for the report). It took almost a whole day to dry because of the climate! After they dried I used an iron box to press and fold them neatly. the temperature of the iron box was adjusted as required by the cotton clothes. After folding the clothes neatly, i arranged them in my closet beautifully!
☺️❤You can use these as reference!