Pls answer the following questions.

●B● → A body moving with a constant velocity is in acelerated motion is noy possible consant velocity means the making a displacement of equal quantity in equal interval if time but acceleration means The continuous change in velocity .If a body mives in consant velocity then how it will accelerate ? It's not possible ✔
A body moving in horizontaly with an acceleration in vertical direction .it's not possible
So take an example of Graph which Having Y axis and X axis .X axis is horizintal direction and y axus is vertical direction .So,if a body moves in horizontal direction with an acceleration then how could it will accelerate in vertial direction .?
It's not possible.
In the speed time graph y-axis is the distance traveled by a body in a time and x-axis the the time taken .
Ao here we can see car accured a larger distance as compared to car B
So option A is correct ✔
Option C is correct that car C is slowest and Speed o car A is much more then car D.
Inertia of a body means the ability of the body to stay at rest or if accelerated or maintaining of a constant velocity then to continue the same .
Inertia of a body is the quantative measured of it's mass .✔
Graph A shows the uniform acceleration as the v-T graph js straight upward starting from the origin .
All if the mentioned statements is wrong .
The graoh shows a non uniform acceleration that is non uniform retardation .
All of the mentioned statements are wrong .