Biology, asked by bhattacharyyaakash22, 1 month ago




Answered by Anonymous


Q1. Function of leucoplast is, It is a type of plastid and as such are organelles found in plant cells. They are non pigmented, and are responsible for storage of essential compounds such as starch, lipids and proteins.

Q2 Function of SER in liver of vertebrates ?

Endoplasmic reticulum is a continuous membrane,which is present in both plant cells and animal cells and are absent in prokaryotic cells. It is the membrane of network tubules and flattened sacs which serves a variety of functions within the cell. Liver cells in animals contain many units of SER .In these cells the organelle has a special role to play. Here smooth ER uses enzymes to help in detoxification. These enzymes breakdown toxic materials.

Q3 Why RER appear rough?

Rough Endoplasmic reticulum appear rough due to due to the presence of ribosomes at its surface. Their attachment to the ER is by means of protein ribophorin I and II.

Q4. Why viruses are not supposed to be living?

Virus are not cells as they do not contain any cellular components. They consist only DNA/RNA surrounded by a protein covering. Since they do not contain any cellular components cellular activities like metabolism, reproduction etc are absent. Hence are considered non- living

Q5. What is a nucleoid?

Nucleoid is a irregular shaped colloid present inside nucleosome of nucleus in a cell where genetic material is located. It generally contains pair of chromosomes.

Q6. Why dry raisins placed in water swells up?

A phenomenon called endosmosis takes place when raisins are placed in water for few hours. When raisins are soaked in water, they swell. All this is due to the process of osmosis. The water molecules pass the cell membrane of the raisins and the raisins thus get swollen.

Q7. In which part of a plant chromoplasts are found?

Chromoplasts is variety of plastid, and is generally present in fruits, flowers and leaves. They are responsible for distinctive colours of parts of plant. They are present with massive increase in accumulation of carotenoid pigments.

Q8. Where are genes located?

Genes are a part or sequences in DNA, Hence they are present in Chromosomes which are highly coiled wrapping of DNA condensed in a small space in nucleoid.

Q9. What will happen if we kept a plant or animal cell in

a) Hypotonic Solution: Upon placing the cell in Hypotonic solution, the solvent from solution will move in the cell through cell membrane leading the cell to swell up, this state of cell is termed as Turgid state.

b) Isotonic Solution : Upon placing cell in isotonic solution, no change in state or shape is observed since the osmotic pressure of both cell and solution is same

c) Hypertonic solution : Upon placing the cell in Hypertonic solution, the cell flushes out its solvent in solution and will shrink, this state of cell is called plasmolysed.

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