Biology, asked by rrm99, 1 year ago

Pls Answer these questions and send me the answers quickly
1. What is the role of saliva in mouth?
2. How fats are digested in our body?
3. Why small intestine of herbivores are longer than carnivores?
4. What are the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
5. Why lower epidermis of leaf has more number of stomata?
6. How amoeba excrete its waste products?​


Answered by Anonymous


1 saliva helps in softening the food substances in the mouth

2fats are broken down into simpler substances in the small intestine with the help of intestinal enzyme.

3this is because herbivores eat plants which take a lot of time to absorb all the nutrients.

4 sunlight,co2,water, nutrients, chlorophyll.

I don't know 5th and 6th

hope it helps you

Answered by Nandzzz


(1) ANSWER :

The saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase that breaks down the starch which is a complex molecule to give a simple sugar.

(2) ANSWER :

The small intestine is the site of the complete digestion of fat. The food coming from the mouth has to made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. It is made alkaline by Bile juice. Bile salts break them into smaller globules there by increasing the efficiency of enzyme action and lipase breaks down the emulsified fat.

(3) ANSWER :

Herbivore eating grass need a longest small intestine to allow the cellulose to be digested . MEAT is easier to digest , hence carnivorous like Tiger have a shorter small intestine.

(4) ANSWER :

The raw materials required for photosynthesis are CARBON DIOXIDE and WATER. Photosynthesis : Preparation of food by the Green Leaves of a plant from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of Sunlight and chlorophyll is called photosynthesis.

(5) ANSWER :

All surfaces of the leaf have some amount of stomata for regulating gas exchange for photosynthesis. However, the lower epidermis (the underside of the leaf) has more, because it is more often in the shade and so it is cooler, which means evaporation won't take place as much.

(6) ANSWER :

Amoeba possess osmo-regulatory organelle called contractile vacuole. This collects water and waste from the body,swells up,reaches the surface and bursts to release its content to outside. The main excretion takes place through body surface by the process of osmosis. Thus,waste products are exceed in amoeba..




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