pls answer these Questions too

3. Assume that such that, by definition,
Solution to this inequality is,
Since is defined on set of all real numbers
Therefore, R is not reflexive.
We see hence R is not reflexive.
We see but
Hence R is not symmetric.
We see and
Hence R is not transitive.
4. (a) Since is divisible by every non - zero real numbers, 0 is also divisible by 2, hence,
since R is defined on set of all integers
Therefore, R is reflexive.
By definition, let,
We see that,
Therefore, R is symmetric.
Assume such that 2 divides (b - c).
Since 2 divides both (a - b) and (b - c), 2 can divide their sum too.
Therefore, R is transitive.
Hence R is an equivalence relation.
4. (b) In an equivalence relation equivalence class of
denoted by
is the set of all possible values of
for which
According to the question let Then by definition,
This implies must be an even number. Hence, since R is defined on
This set is the same as the equivalence class [0].
Similarly, take Then by definition,
This implies must be odd since 1 is an odd number. Hence,
4. (c) We see that,
Hence we can say and
form a partition of
5. (a) Here R is reflexive since is an integer, i.e.,
5. (b) Let be an integer.
We see is also an integer. Hence
Therefore, R is symmetric.
Assume there exists such that
is an integer.
Since sum of two integers is always an integer, we see,
Here m and n are integers, so are and
Therefore, R is transitive.
Hence, R is an equivalence relation.