pls answer this if u know,......

Answered by
Ans 1. Covalent compounds are composed of molecules. The bonding in these covalent compounds consists of strong covalent bonds between the atoms in the molecule.
Ans 2. A simple example of a covalent bond is in a diatomic molecule of hydrogen (H₂) Hydrogen by itself has one valence electron. Hydrogen has a full shell whenever it has 2 electrons. So, a single hydrogen atom will share its single valence electron with another hydrogen atom, and vice versa.
Ans 3. Differences between ionic and covalent bond
- Differences between ionic and covalent bondsCovalent bonds are much more common in organic chemistry than ionic bonds.
- In covalent bonds, atoms share electrons, whereas in ionic bonds atoms transfer electrons.
- The reaction components of covalent bonds are electrically neutral, whereas for ionic bonds they are both charged.
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i don't know
please really sorry to you
really so sorry to you
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