Pls answer this question.

1-right ventricle and left ventricle
function toh pta kr h loge all in one se
3- second or tenth he valves
1. right ventricle
2. tricuspid valve
3. right atria
4.vena cava
5.Pulmonary artery
7.pulmonary vein
8.Left atria
10.bicuspid valve
11.left ventricle
1.Right ventricle : Recieves deoxygenated blood from right atria..
and Pumps It towards the lungs for oxygenation.
3.The right atrium is the first chamber of the heart to receive deoxygenated and carbon dioxide-rich systemic blood from the body, and the left atrium is the first chamber to receive the oxygenated blood returning from the lungs.
6.Takes oxygenated blood to body parts...
8.left atria recieves and generates it with a higher pressure to left ventricle so that it can reach distill organs
11. left ventrcle plays major pumping role....
Tricuspid valve is present bw right atria and ventricle...
bicuspid on the left side bw the two..
they prevent the back flow of blood....
Khushi here✔️