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The Indian state governments have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in India with various declarations of emergency, closure of institutions and public meeting places, and other restrictions intended to contain the spread of the virus.
Cognitive assistants and self-service tools can help agencies provide services to help citizens maintain physical and mental health. For example, government agencies in Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, Spain, UK and cities across the United States quickly deployed virtual agents using IBM Watson Assistant for Citizens to help answer citizens’ questions about COVID-19.
Recover and rebuild: As society moves past the immediate response, governments are anticipating the next challenges. They will need to rebuild agencies’ confidence; enable citizens to get back to work; help return the private sector to full output; and shorten the length of the economic downturn.
At IBM, we collaborated with the U.S. government, industry, and academia to launch the COVID-19 High-Performance Computing Consortium, which provides access to the world’s most powerful high-performance computing resources to accelerate scientific discoveries focused on treatments and a cure.
1) Providing free mask and food for people
2) Alloting money per family