pls answer this question

Answered by
भाषा:अंग्रेजी, फारसी, नेपालि,अवधि, उर्दू, बाँग्ला, मैथिली
बोली:भोजपुरी, राजसथानि, हरियाणवि,बुंदेली,
लिपि:देवनागरी, गुरुमुखी, रोमन
I hope this will surely help you
To avoid your confusion:
bhasha has its script in hindi lipi
boli don't have script
script or lipi in hindi is the way a language is written . It has alphabet of the language
If you like this answer and find it helpful please mark it as brainliest
बोली:भोजपुरी, राजसथानि, हरियाणवि,बुंदेली,
लिपि:देवनागरी, गुरुमुखी, रोमन
I hope this will surely help you
To avoid your confusion:
bhasha has its script in hindi lipi
boli don't have script
script or lipi in hindi is the way a language is written . It has alphabet of the language
If you like this answer and find it helpful please mark it as brainliest
please mark it brainliest
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