Chemistry, asked by 118usharani28, 2 months ago

Pls check my answer
Ques :colloid is a state of substance .why ?
Answer: colloids are the combinations of dispersed phase and dispersed medium collides is Solution where many colloidal particles are present it is state of substance because it has dispersed medium in various States as well as it could have dispersed face in various state does it is not and substance it is in a state of substance Colloidal Solutions can be seen as solid or liquid or gas it can show tyndall effect the size of particle can range from 1 to 1000 nm


Answered by navya99arora


When the size of the solute particles lies between 1000-10000 pm, it behaves like a colloid and in case it is less than this value, it gives the characteristics of crystalloid. Thus, colloid is not a substance but it is state of a substance which depends upon the particle size

Answered by animeshfnpo


Your answer is absolutely correct.

It is a 10/10 answer.

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