Political Science, asked by hwbuddy, 7 months ago

Pls explain and tell about diversity.


Answered by Anonymous


Diversity means having a range of people with various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds and various lifestyles, experience, and interests. Diversity to me is the ability for differences to coexist together, with some type of mutual understanding or acceptance present. The condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety especially : the inclusion of of people of different races (see race entry 1 sense 1a), cultures, etc. in a group or organization programs intended to promote diversity in schools.

Answered by jumalerajendra


diversity means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing your individual differences these can be alone the dimensions of race, ethnicity , gender sexual orientation ,social economics status, age,physical abilities ,relegial belief ,political belief or other ideologies

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