Biology, asked by shiarna, 1 year ago

pls explain the heirarchy tissues for me


Answered by Rishita2003
Transcript of The hierarchical relationships of cells tissues organ organ systemsCournia Armstrong
Gisel Landeros The Hierarchical relationships 
of cells,tissues , organisms , organ systems , and organisms Cells are the basic structure and func-tional units of all organisms they may exist - and function alone or in there groups such as tissues and those organs and.
The two types of cells are :somatic and germ *2 times
Fun fact : there are trillions of cells in your body Cells to Tissues Tissues

A tissue is a group of cells that have a similar shape and function.
The different types of tissues can be found n different organs. 
There are four main types of tissue
1. Connective,2.Epithelial,3.Muscular
4. Nervous An organ is a collection of cells which group together to perform a function. These cells are often highly specialized tissues, designed for extremely exact and demanding tasks. 

plz mark my answer as brainliest or thank me

Answered by vanshikatiwari
Several cells with the same function together will form a tissue. A tissue is a group of cells that carry out the same function. A tissue can be composed of several types of cells, but they all perform the same job. Example: skin tissue. It is usually a layer of cells, if that helps you picture it.

Then, several types of tissue will be organized in an organ. Examples are liver, kidney, stomach. These organs consists of many different types of tissues. An organ is usually much bigger than one layer, it is a visible thing, if that helps you understand it better.

Finally, an organ system is a group of organs that are doing a similar function. A good example is the digestive system. Here, the mouth, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and gall bladder form one big group of organs that will help you digest your food.

Hope that was helpful.

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