Science, asked by yaboiblessed, 8 months ago

PLS fill this out ASAP 6th Grade Earth Science

Galaxies and the Solar System

Learning Targets:

I can explain the objects that make up our solar system.

I can describe how the current model of the solar system differs from past models.

I can model our solar systems position in the Milky Way galaxy.

A Galaxy…

is an enormous _________ of stars, dust, and gas all held together by gravity (ex. the Milky Way).

can contain billions of stars and are quite massive in size.

Galaxies are unique, and have different ages, sizes, and distances from earth.

Astronomers classify galaxies by ____________.

_________: Bright, central mass of stars with long thin arms extending away from center. Usually a mix of both old and new stars

__________-spiral: Spiral galaxy with an oval, elongated, or rectangular shaped central region

Elliptical (oval): Oval shape, usually contains older stars.

Irregular: Has an irregular shape; no distinct or orderly shape; Neither spiral nor elliptical, lots of new stars

Milky Way Galaxy

Our ____________is located in the ________Way

Milky Way is a _________ galaxy, but scientists believe it is more specifically a barred spiral galaxy

We are located in one of the outer spiral __________.

Light-year: the distance that light travels through space in one _______year, at a speed of 186,000 miles per second.

The Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth, and it takes light ___ minutes to travel the distance.

We can be sure that the Milky Way galaxy we live in is a spiral galaxy rather than an elliptical galaxy because

A. it has curved arms.
B. it does not show any rotation.
C. its stars are all about the same age.
D. new stars are no longer forming.

List the planets in order starting with the closest to the sun. (You can draw a little sketch of the planets.)

___________, ____________, ______________, _____________,

_____________, ______________, ___________, _____________

In ancient times it was believe that the Earth was the center of the Universe – this is known as __________________________ theory.

Then Copernicus proposed the _____________________ Theory – that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the solar system.

_____________ is responsible for the formation of the solar system

Scientists believe the solar system began as a rotating ____________ of gas and dust called a _______________.

As the ________________ rotated, it gradually contracted forming the ______________.

Eventually, gravity brought the rest of the material orbiting the ___________ to form small _____________ that became the _____________ we know today.


Answered by bhardwajpratyaksha


a. galaxy is enormous collection of stars...

they are all bound together by gravitational forces

b. astronomers classify galaxies by shape ...

they are of 4 types

c. spiral galaxies arms extend from centre

d. elliptical galaxies have oval , elongated...

e. earth is located in milky way

f. milky way is spiral... is located in Orion arm of milky way....

h. light year is distance traveled by light in one year in air or vaccum

i. it takes 8mins 20 secs for light to reach from sun to earth

j. we can be sure it is spiral because of its curved arms

k. order of planets

mercury , venus, earth, Mars, asteroid belt , Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

l. earth is centre of universe is heliocentric theory

m. Copernicus proposed copernicus theory

n. big bang is responsible for formation of solar system..

o. solar system began as cloud of interstellar gas and dust

p. as the solar nebula rotated ,... , it forms the sun

q. gravity brought rest material orbiting the sun , it formed solar system

it took a long and hard time for the formation of solar system and this anwser

hope it helps

plz mark branliest

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