pls... give correct answer. It is very important.

➡️Lord Canning 1856-1862
The Governor General during Mutiny of 1857.
The first Viceroy of India after the war.
He removed Doctrine of lapse.
In his reign, Indian Council Act was passed in 1861
During his rule, University of Bombay, Calcutta, Madras was established in 1857.
➡️Lord Lawrence 1864-1869
In his reign, High Court was established at Calcutta, Bombay, Madras in 1865.
He formed Indian Forest Department.
The telegraph line was opened with Europe.
He introduced various reforms.
He became the member of Punjab Board of Administration.
He was known by the name i.e. Savior of Punjab.
➡️Lord Mayo 1869-1872
He started financial decentralization in India.
Rajkot College in Kathiawar & Mayo College in Ajmer for Indian princess was established by him.
In his time, first Census of India was held in 1871.
Statistical survey of India was organized by him.
In Andaman in 1872, he was the only Viceroy murdered in the office by a pathan.
➡️Lord Lytton 1876-1880
In order to decorate Queen Victoria with the title of Kaiser-i-hind, the Delhi Durbar was held on January 1, 1877.
In 1879, the Statutory Civil Service examination was started.
The maximum age for the civil services exams held in England, was reduced from 21 to 19 years.
In his reign i.e. in 1878, Vernacular press Act was passed.
➡️Lord Rippon 1880-1884
The age for civil service exam was raised to 21 years.
In 1881, in his reign, First Factory Act was passed which restricted the child labour.
In 1883, he passed the Illbert Bill.
In 1882, he passed the Local Self Government act.
➡️Lord Dufferin 1884-1888
The Indian National Congress was formed by him.
➡️Lord Lansdowne 1888-1894
In 1892, Indian Council Act was passed.
Second Factory Act (1891) was passed during his time.
Durand Commission to define a line between British India and Afghanistan, was appointed by him.
➡️Lord Curzon 1899-1905
At his time, the partition of Bengal (1905) was done into 2 provinces- Bengal and East Bengal.
He passed the Ancient Monuments Act (1904), in order to restore India’s cultural heritage.
Curzon established Archeological Survey of India.
➡️Lord Minto 1905-1910
In his time in 1909, Morley-Minto reform was passed.
➡️Lord Hardinge 1910-1916
Capital of Calcutta shifted to Delhi in 1911, as partition of Bengal was cancelled.
In 1915, Gandhi ji returned from South Africa.
Annie Besant launched Home Rule moment during his rule.
➡️Lord Chelmsford 1916-1921
The control over the Indian Government was to be handed over to Indian people according to August Declaration of 1917.
Rowlett Act 1919 was passed.
Montague-Chelmsford reform was passed.
During his reign, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919), Non- Cooperation movement , Khilafat movement took place.
He opened Women’s University at Poona in 1919.
➡️Lord Reading 1921-1926
The incidence of Chauri -Chaura took place during his time.
Swaraj party was formed at his time.
In 1921, Ahmedabad session of INS was being held.
➡️Lord Irwin 1926-1931
In 1928, Simon commission came to India.
The incidence of Dandi took in 1930.
Civil Disobedience movement was started in 1930.
Gandhi signed Irwin pact. In 1931, First Round Table Conference was held.
➡️Lord Willingdon 1931-1936
In his reign, Poona Pact was signed.
During his time, Second and Third Round Table Conference was held.
British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald started Communal Award.
Government of India Act (1935) was passed.
➡️Lord Linlithgow 1936-1944
In provinces, Government of India Act was enforced.
In 1942, Cripps Mission visited India.
In 1942, Quit India movement was started.
In 1939, Second World war took place.
➡️Lord Wavell 1944-1947
Shimla Conference between Muslim League and Indian national Congress failed which was held on June 25, 1945.
In 1946, Cabinet Mission Plan was launched.
The first meeting of Constituent Assembly was held on December 09, 1946.
➡️Lord Mountbatten March 1947- August 1947
Lord Mountbatten was the Last Viceroy and first Governor General of free India.
On June 3, 1947, partition of India was done.
On July 4, 1947, by British parliament India Independent Act was passed.
According, India Independent Act, India got freedom on August 15, 1947.
He succeeded C. Rajagopalachari, who was the last Governor General of free India
Hope it helps !!!