Hindi, asked by pkalaiyarasi1984, 10 months ago

pls give the summary of chitoyo ki anuti dunia in English​


Answered by Mtank6943


लेखक ‘पत्र’ की महत्ता बताते हैं की आज का युग वैज्ञानिक युग है। मनुष्य के पास अनेक संचार के साधन हैं फिर भी मनुष्य पत्रों का सहारा जरूर लेता है। वे कहते हैं इनके नाम भी भाषा के अनुसार अलग-अलग हैं। तेलगू में उत्तरम, कन्नड़ में कागद, संस्कृत में पत्र, उर्दू में खत, तमिल में कडिद कहा जाता है। आज भी कई लोग अपने पुरखों के पत्र सहेजकर रखें हैं। हमारे सैनिक अपने घर वालों के पत्रों का इंतजार बड़ी बेसब्री से करते हैं।

उन्होंने यह बताते हुए कहा है कि आज भी सिर्फ भारत में प्रतिदिन साढ़े चार करोड़ पत्र डाक में डाले जाते हैं। पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरू ने भी पत्र के महत्त्व को माना है। लेखक कहते हैं कि २०वीं शताब्दी में पत्र केवल संचार का साधन ही नहीं अपितु एक कला मानी गई है। इसे पाठ्यक्रम का हिस्सा बनाया गया तथा कई पत्र लेखन प्रतियोगिताएँ आयोजित की गई। लेखक का मानना है इस संसार में कोई ऐसा मनुष्य नहीं होगा जिसने कभी किसी को पत्र न लिखा हो।

पत्र सिर्फ एक संचार माध्यम ही नहीं हैं, ये मार्गदर्शक की भूमिका भी निभाते हैं। मोबाइल से प्राप्त एसमएस तो लोग मिटा देते हैं परन्तु पत्र हमेशा सहेज कर रखते हैं। आज भी संग्रहालय में महान हस्तियों के पत्र शोभा बने हुए हैं। महात्मा गांधी के पास पूरे विश्व से पत्र आते थे और वे उनका जवाब तुरंत लिख देते थे। ‘रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर’ और ‘महात्मा गांधी’ के पत्र व्यवहार को “महात्मा और कवि” के शीर्षक से प्रकाशित किया गया है।

भारत में पत्र व्यवहार की परम्परा बहुत पुरानी है। सरकारी की अपेक्षा घरेलु पत्र मुख्य भूमिका निभाते हैं क्योकि ये आम लोगो को जोड़ने का काम करते हैं। चाहे गरीब हो या अमीर सभी को अपने प्रियजनों से प्राप्त पत्र का इन्तजार रहता है। गरीब बस्ती में तो मनीऑर्डर लेकर आने वाले डाकिए को लोग देवता समझते हैं। अंत में वे कहते हैं कि अत्यधिक संचार साधनों के होने के बावजूद भी पत्रों की अपनी एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है।

Answered by mvmrithuiyer92020

we have been introduced to the strange world of letters in the text presented. apart from this, the importance of letters, their contribution in the development of civilization, their importance even in this scientific age, and the great importance of letters in rural life has been interestingly described. letters have always been important. today, despite the many new means of communication, the importance of letters cannot be underestimated. today sms can not give satisfaction like sms letter. due to the writing of letters, they have contributed in the development of human civilization. man gets both message and inspiration through letters. the letters are known by different names in different provinces. the letter is known as khat in urdu, patra in sanskrit, kagad in kannada, uttam, jabu and lekh in telugu and kadid in tamil. letters keep our memories fresh for a long time. about four crore letters are sent daily in india, which is a proof of its popularity. in ancient times, letters were transported from one place to another through harkars. with the invention of the wheel, their speed changed with coffee. the telegraph department's wires, wireless and radar have given wings to their speed. in the last century, the postal department made a special effort to improve its system and give correct direction to the letters. it was included in the school curriculum to develop a paper culture. the world post association started organizing letter-writing competition for children below 16 years of age from 1972. today, in this scientific age, the rapid development of various means of communication has influenced the world of letters. but they still have importance in rural areas. the invention of mobile phones has reduced the number of family letters, but the number of business letters is increasing. there is hardly any person who has not dealt with the letters, has not waited for the letter, has not written the letter or has written it to anyone. overall, every person is definitely attached to the letter in some form or the other. letters have special significance for soldiers. earlier the only means of communication was paper, but now other means have also developed. letters also serve as a heritage. many people consider collecting them as their hobby. letter compositions of big writers, entrepreneurs, administrators or farmers are still a subject of research. letters written by pandit nehru to indira gandhi inspire millions of people. sms messages cannot be stored safely, but letters of great personalities can be saved as memorabilia. letters of great personalities can be seen in many museums of the world. through the letters, then the country and society can be understood well. the letters written by the british later became very fragile. mahatma gandhi used to write all the letters by writing 'mahatma gandhi-india'. he used to answer all the letters that came to him. people used to keep their counter letters as memorabilia or in frames. many books have been written on the basis of letters. letters have the same importance as documents. nirala's letters 'hamko likhyo hai kaha', pant's two hundred letters to bachchan's name, etc. are proof of this. premchand used to inspire budding writers through letters. nehru, gandhi- rabindranath tagore's letters were a source of inspiration. it plays the role of a guide in difficult situations. after independence, the process of exchange of letters intensified. goodshill of the postal department is the best. the department works to connect people. it has access to people. whether living in the city's palatial palace - be it hill people, fishermen or residents of rajasthan province, everyone is eagerly waiting for the letters. the postal department does not only deliver letters to the people, but it also sends money orders to them even more than that. the stove burns only when the money order reaches remote areas. in poor settlements, the postman is seen as an angel, because he gets money and happiness by his arrival.

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