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correct answer needed
1.The story and the dialogues are written by the creator.
2.The finished story is given by the creator to the penciller.
3.The over all book of the comic is drawn by the penciller with penciler.
4.A complete and finished look is given by the inker to the pencillers work.
5.The inkers work is coloured by the colourist .
words, speech bubbles and think bubbles are added by the letterer to the work .
7.The work is seen by an editor to check if everything is correct.
8.Now the book is printed by the printer.
Question: The creator writes the story and the dialogues.
Ans: The story and the dialogues are written by the creator.
Question: The creator gives the finished story to the penciller.
Answer: The penciller is given the finished story by the creator.
Question: The penciller draws the overall look of the comic with a pencil.
Answer: The overall look of the comic is drawn by a penciller with a pencil.
Question: The inker gives the penciller’s work a finished and complete look.
Answer: The penciller’s work is given a finished and complete look by the inker.
Question: The colourist colours the inker’s work.
Answer: The inker’s work is coloured by the colourist.
Question: The letterer adds words, speech bubbles and think bubbles to the….(I cannot see the full sentence)
Answer: Words, speech bubbles and think bubbles are added to the… by the letterer.
Question: An editor checks the work to see if everything is correct.
Answer: The work is checked by the editor to see if everything is correct.
Question: Now the printer prints the comic book.
Answer: The comic book is printed by the printer.
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