English, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

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>Write an Essay On 'Agriculture'<​


Answered by srabantimaiti1987


The science of the practice of farming and rearing of animals can be defined as agriculture. It includes dairy, fruit cultivation, forestry, harvesting of honey and many more things. Agriculture is so important to our country that we cannot survive without it.Agriculture is important to us in many ways. It gives food security to our country. With agriculture, we have enough food to feed our families. We not only produce for ourselves but we export too. Agriculture forms a large part of our exports. We export tea, cotton, textiles, tobacco, sugar, jute products, spice, rice, and many more items.Agriculture is the main occupation in India. Two-third of the population is dependent on agriculture directly or indirectly. Farmers of our country work day and night to earn their livelihood from agriculture.Agricultural development is essential for our economic development. The Agriculture sector is one of the major contributors to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and national income of our country. Agriculture is important for industrial development too. It provides a number of raw materials to industries.Industries like cotton, sugar, jute, and textiles depend on agriculture for their raw material. Some industries depend directly and some depend indirectly on agriculture for their raw material. Industries that depend directly on agriculture are the plantation industries like tea, coffee, and rubber. The industries that are indirectly dependent on agriculture are crushing oil, the weaving of handloom and khadi cloth, husking of rice, etc.Other than the above factors, it is the climate, fertile soil and multiple seasons that are responsible for good produce and make agriculture so important to us. It is not just the source of livelihood but it has become a way of life. Our fairs, festivals, and customs are also influenced by agriculture.

Answered by VidishaRaj


Agriculture is one of the major sectors of the Indian economy. It is present in the country for thousands of years. Over the years it has developed and the use of new technologies and equipment replaced almost all the traditional methods of farming. Besides, in India, there are still some small farmers that use the old traditional methods of agriculture because they lack the resources to use modern methods. Furthermore, this is the only sector that contributed to the growth of not only itself but also of the other sector of the country.


India largely depends on the agriculture sector. Besides, agriculture is not just a mean of livelihood but a way of living life in India. Moreover, the government is continuously making efforts to develop this sector as the whole nation depends on it for food.

For thousands of years, we are practicing agriculture but still, it remained underdeveloped for a long time. Moreover, after independence, we use to import food grains from other countries to fulfill our demand. But, after the green revolution, we become self-sufficient and started exporting our surplus to other countries.

Besides, these earlier we use to depend completely on monsoon for the cultivation of food grains but now we have constructed dams, canals, tube-wells, and pump-sets. Also, we now have a better variety of fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds, which help us to grow more food in comparison to what we produce during old times.

With the advancement of technology, advanced equipment, better irrigation facility and the specialized knowledge of agriculture started improving.

Furthermore, our agriculture sector has grown stronger than many countries and we are the largest exporter of many food grains.

mark brainlist ans pls and pls give me multiplé thànks

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