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(a) Planet Earth has been called the "Blue Planet" due to the abundant water on its surface. Here on Earth, we take liquid water for granted; after all, our bodies are mostly made of water. However, liquid water is a rare commodity in our solar system. ... Liquid water covers most of the surface of our planet.
(b) Sea water cannot be directly used for drinking purpose as it is highly saline. ... Seawater is also not fit for agricultural purpose as the high saline level may result in losing the fertility of the land.In addition,using seawater in crops may lead to plant disorder like chlorosis
(c) Groundwater is pure and hence a very safe source. Groundwater flows mainly in underground rivers. Groundwater is not connected to rivers and lakes. Contaminants from oil that is poured on the ground will be filtered by soil and gravel before reaching groundwater
(d) ) 1 ) We're Changing the Climate, Making Dry Areas Drier and Precipitation More Variable and Extreme. ...
2) More People + More Money = More Water Demand. ...
3) Groundwater Is Being Depleted. ...