English, asked by FatimaMemon, 1 year ago

Pls tell the story of question 11



Answered by PAVAR010
anwe send plz send plz
Answered by Javaaaaaa
It was a beautiful night . The stars were twinkling and a beautiful , white orb hung in the sky - the Moon . It was really quiet , except the silent but soothing chirping of the cricket . I couldn’t get any sleep so I looked out at the striking sky . Just then , my dog , Buddy , came into my room . By the looks of it , I thought that he couldn’t get any sleep either . He was impatiently pawing at his leash . He looked at me , his leash in his mouth , whining . I couldn’t say no to my dog , so I took him out for a walk . As I was walking him along the lonely streets , I saw a strange light in the sky . It was growing bigger and bigger . As it came closer , I squinted and realised with panic that it was a large flying saucer . My first thoughts wandered off to it being a UFO . Whatever it was , I needed to take cover . Buddy must have realised this before me , because he dashed into the nearest clump of bushes , pulling me along with him . As I crouched , I saw the UFO descend slowly , just a few meters away . I froze . The saucer opened , revealing two creatures , aliens . They had huge eyes in the size of marbles , with their green skin and bulged head . I was totally petrified . Just then Buddy growled and leaped out of the bushes , again , pulling me with him . I was on the floor , being dragged towards who - knows - what . I regained my balance and scrambled to my feet . I was face to face with the aliens . We both had our suspicions but it was just too much for me to bear . As I gazed at them , they slowly backed into their ship . “Hey , wait !” , I cried . That did it . They dashed into the UFO and took off , pushing me off balance . Before I could even blink , they were gone .

Hope you liked my story . Thanks .
Jeevaniha ‍♀️
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