English, asked by 18vs1010663, 2 months ago

Pls write a blog in topic "CHILDREN-THE FUTURE OF TOMORROW" with the word limit of 150 words..



Answered by paridanibedita021


Essay on Children – The Future of Tomorrow

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The Wealth of a nation is not so much in its of economical and natural resources but it lies more decidedly in the kind and quality of the wealth of its children and youth. It is they who will be the creators and shapers of a nation’s tomorrow.

The Children of today will be adults of tomorrow. Today’s leaders and activists. Their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that beackons the nation.

It, therefore, become mandatory for every nation and every society to nurture a strong, healthy and intellectual youth. It is the responsibility of the adults to direct the youth in desired direction. The youth of a nation is its power-house. They have boundless stores of energy, will, capability, zeal, and enthusiasm and have the power to mould the destiny of the nation. This infinite storehouse of energy has to be properly moulded and needs to be given appropriate direction. The youth has to train to use their talents needs to given appropriate direction. The youth has to be trained to use their talents and abilities in constructive ways and help in nation-building and strengthening of it.

Without harnessing this vast store of energy, a nation and a society cannot think of developing economically, politically, socially and intellectually. The best way to engage the youth into playing such a constructive role is to educate them with proper training in the desired direction.If a society is careless and carefree about its youth and fails to educate them in a productive manner, then the society is in danger of facing a destructive and violent youth. The trees and flowers of a garden have to be trimmed in order to make it look beautiful and appealing. Otherwise, the plants and bushes will go haywire and spoil the beauty of the garden and will not reap proper blossoms. Similarly, a child has to be pruned of its baser instincts and trained in a proper manner in order to beneficial to society. If proper and timely attention is not paid to the grooming of the youth, it can turn haywire and become unproductive.

For this, society should provide its youth with the right kind of education. The education provided should be progressive, in keeping with the needs of the society and should not only create great professionals excelling in their fields but also good human beings. Proper facilities and a conducive environment should be taken care along with the adequate and enhancement of creativity. Academics should be taken care along with the adequate emphasis on sports, technical areas and other as per the interests of the students.

The government also does a lot to help build its youth into anchors of tomorrow. It provides many facilities regarding education, healthcare, sports, creative areas etc. But the ever-increasing population nullifies the efforts of the government. Moreover, poverty, illiteracy and belief in superstitions also hinder the spread of education to all. Those who are educated fail to acquire proper employment. Resultantly, crime rate increases which is an alarming situation for any society.Moreover, social evils like child labour, drug addiction, child marriage, beggary, child abuse etc also hamper the proper the development of children. These rampant evils if remain unchecked will jeopardize and endanger the future of the country. The government should take strict measures to ensure that children are enrolled in primary and secondary schools and should try to reduce the drop-out percentage. Child labour too should be strictly prohibited.

We often hear of children from poverty-stricken or extremely poor backgrounds achieving outstanding performances in secondary and senior secondary examinations. This just proves once again that the youth is capable of many feats and accomplishments. All they need is proper channelization of abilities, right guidance and training and a desired environment. Given this, the posterity is sure to lead the nation to greater heights and newer worlds.

here is ur blog .. i have written this .

Answered by Itzbigsecret28


Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow,' said India's first prime minister  

Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow,' said Jawaharlal Nehru. We celebrate Children's Day, November 14, on his birthday.

Nehru was a great believer in science, which he wanted to use to rid India of her superstitions. 'What is that makes a nation powerful in the modern world.The most important things today are science and technology and their offshoots.' Nehru said in Satara, Maharashtra on April 10, 1960.

There are often heated debates about the ideology that should be followed -- capitalism, communalism, socialism or Gandhism.which means that we want to assure equal opportunities for progress to all... (Whatever we adopt) each one of them has to be backed by science and technology and machines and hard work,' Nehru continued in Satara.

'Do we believe in a national state which includes people of all religions and shades of opinion and is essentially secular.do we believe in the religious, theocratic conception of a state which considers people of other faiths as something beyond the pale? This is an odd question to ask, for the idea of a religious or a theocratic state was given up by the world some centuries ago and has no place in the mind of the modern man. And yet the question has to be put in India today, for many of us have tried to jump back to a past age,' said Nehru.

Kamala Kaul married Nehru when she was 17. Her husband went on a trip to the Himalayas shortly after their marriage.

In his autobiography, referring to his wife, Nehru wrote: 'I almost overlooked her.'

Kamala gave birth to a girl child in November 1917. Indira Priyadarshini went on to become, like her father, head of the Congress party and prime minister of India.

Kamala gave birth to a boy in November 1924, but he lived for only a week

I think the majority of the people in India respect the cow and I respect their sentiment



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